Sunday, March 02, 2008

Day 1

I know that technically it's day two, but there is no way I could post my daily accomplishments on the actual day they were done.
March Madness Challenge: 2033/10,000 words
NaNoEdMo: 30mins/50hours.

I didn't really do a lot on the editing thing yesterday, and am really hoping that I manage to get in there and nail some more time today, or I'll really start falling behind and the earlier I do that, the worse it always is for me.

Simon was called into work last night at 730 and didn't get home til 1am, so I had a fairly early night due to the pain in my back, read some, slept, slept badly though, waking up every time I tried to turn over. By 1am when he got home I'd developed a sore throat as well woohoo. So, tired, and sore this morning, not the best combination but I will just have to make it work for me.
Oh, had a really long chat with my brother last night who is dead keen on me writing the novel I'm editing for edmo into a script and made into a movie. LOL, he thinks I should sell the book and then sell the movie, it's so lovely when your loved ones think you have so much potential.

1 comment:

Kerryn Angell said...

I hope you feel better soon! That's good progress on the challenges though. :)