Saturday, February 09, 2008

Saturday - one week to go

It's been an interesting week. Every day I think about writing in here, and yet, this week, it's been something that has not happened at all. I don't want to say much more about the big issues, but just that it has been an interesting week.
We had Ivy's 3rd birthday party on Wednesday which went really well, she is such a big girl now, growing up so fast.

I'm glad I pulled it off, lol at least I now know that I can do a kids party!!
Been getting back into the editing as well and that has been good, almost finished with the first chapter that has really needed a lot of work. Changing the story slightly, adding plenty of things in, it's exciting!!!

1 comment:

Teacake said...

Happy Birthday to Ivy! She looks like she's having a blast. :)