Friday, July 11, 2008


It's a miserable day here - perfect for writing and getting other stuff done around the house.

Rewrites are going well, I am over 4k now, and well on track with my initial wordsperday goal - I am sure this will either get harder to do or just become a habit, and I'm not sure which way it'll go just yet. I could easily have NOT written last night but I told myself that no, I needed to get into it. And I'm not allowing myself to only write 1000 words even if that would get me to where my collective count divided by days writing would be at. That's cheating lol and not sticking to my plan and I don't want to start doing that so early on in the process, so I wrote exactly 1500 words (well, just a few over). I am sure there will be writing free days later on in the process - life happens.

Everything else is going really well I think, baby seems to be growing nicely and I can feel him/her at different points throughout the day moving around in there. Such and odd sensation but really pretty cool at the same time. Ivy is still adamant she only wants a girl baby, so fingers crossed! lol I would hate for her to be all upset and disappointed if it turns out to be a boy, but I guess we'll just have to deal with that when it happens.

Business course is going well, feeling really fired up about it at the moment and am charging through the material we have, hoping to get my next submission sent in this afternoon sometime - failing that it'll be tomorrow. At least if I do it today I might get the next bit opened up for me before the weekend. It's moving into the financial side of it all though and that's where it will get trickier for me.

Anyway, better get Ivy down to preschool, and then get back here and get busy!

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