Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Long weekends

This one seemed longer than usual. We went over to Rotorua to stay with the inlaws, and man.... what a long trip! I mean, it's only around 4 hours, but they are some long hours when you have a small child who doesn't like to sit still for more than ten minutes at a time in the backseat of the car. Poor thing, I felt so bad about it, though she did have a good time once she had had enough sleep to recover from the trip. Her and her cousins get along so well, it's just awesome considering they only see each other maybe a couple times a year.
The whole experience was generally more enjoyable than I find it, which is a nice change, I must be finding my place in the family or something because it's certainly getting easier. That said, I am very glad to be home, in my own bed, with my own animals, having my own space (and the ability to get on the computer whenever i want to!).
Today I am working on finishing the text book for another paper - because after that I can get into exam prep. I still have one more paper which isn't officially finished yet, but that is going to have to wait until the weekend I think. We'll see how the weeks study prep goes anyways, the exam is 6 days after my second to last exam and while I will also be writing frantically in that period, I am sure I can work on finishing off whatever needs finishing in that space as well.

There are still two challenges on Kiwiwriters that I signed up for and do not think I am going to be able to complete - I think thats just life though. If I do get the chance to finish I will, but I just don't see it happening from where I am sitting right now, exams need to take priority, and it's not long til they arrive and are all over wooohooo!!!
Ok, better go and eat something, I had heaps of sleep last night but still feel so very tired, long trips, long weekends, man they can really take it out of ya.

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