Monday, October 01, 2007

one month

Til exams start woohooo!
So I didn't get a lot done at all over the weekend.... I mean, really I didn't. I really needed a break from assignment writing and that is what I did.
I do feel a lot better for it, and a lot less stressed despite the fact that I now have even less time in which to do the same amount of work that I had left to do on Friday. Funny how that happens isn't it?
I finished Shaman's Crossing, book one in the soldier son trilogy by Robin Hobb. I initially had trouble getting into it but am totally hooked and waiting on a friend to courier me the second and third books now - which should hopefully arrive in time for me to celebrate having these godawful assignments out of the way.
I also started reading my SoCNoC novel. It's actually pretty good so far! lol and I feel like I have left it long enough to have that much needed distance from it, so that I can see it for what it is and isn't. As I'm writing part 2 for nano, and setting up to do the prelim challenges this month I thought it was to get back into the story in order to better resolve the plot issues I know are there before November and Nanowrimo roll around. I also today emailed it to a friend in wellington to have a read over and give me his ideas, it will all help!
And with that, I should away... and get into this assignment. I have a plan now, and my head feels about 95% more together and onto it than it did on Friday, so wish me luck! Hopefully I can report back later that I have successfully completed my mission of finishing assignment 2, assessment of individual differences by tonight.

1 comment:

Kerryn Angell said...

Good luck! I know what you mean. Sometimes you just need that space. I bet you'll get them done it half the time you would have if you hadn't taken the break.