Thursday, October 04, 2007


last big assignment done, posted by 1.05pm this afternoon, well before the final clearance of 2.30pm. Feels so great to have it done, but I also feel very very tired. I only managed to stay up til 11.30 last night on it, and then had to finish it off this morning. I think I'll give myself the rest of the day off study related things and get back into some course work over the weekend.
Not really able to get into the prelim challenge just yet as we have a guest, but soon enough! This month is going to roll by so fast, I can just tell.
Though that means I can now get excited about the things I've been putting off major excitement about such as exams and my course being completed, nano and the wedding!

1 comment:

Kerryn Angell said...

WAHOO!! Big congrats. Now we can keep emailing about fun writing stuff. :)