Saturday, January 19, 2008


So, I didn't get any editing done yesterday..... it was a day full of other things, so there was no time... literally, none. I got a lot of things done in the morning, then after my lash tint (go-go-wedding-prep) I got a call from some friends who we play World of Warcraft with, they were in town (from Australia), so we had some lunch and they came back to our place and we watched DVD's, and talked, and ate, and drank... was a really enjoyable night and it's so nice to know that some people are just exactly who they seem to be, and as easy company offline as they are online. I think they left just before midnight... and were driving two hours back to where they were staying, probably a lot later than they had intended! Oh well, I guess that happens sometimes. Hopefully they had a nice enough evening, probably won't find out until they get back to Australia and we see them in game lol.
So no, there was no time for editing.
Technically that doesn't put me behind my original plans, seeing as I was just to have the note making/chapter breaking part of the business done by the end of yesterday and that is completed. So if I find some time over the weekend I'll be doing some editing, other wise I'll kick into it late Monday afternoon after yet more appointments.....
28 days to go!!! four weeks today!!!

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