Friday, September 07, 2007

Friday, glorious Friday.

I don't often feel that way, being that Simon works weekends and I always have study to do and little one to take care of, the weekend is just another two days like any other two days. But for some reason, this Friday it actually feels like a Friday.
Perhaps it's because the sun is out and the weather has been just stunning today (and fingers crossed, knocking on wood, looks like it will hold for the weekend). Perhaps it's because I am relatively up to date with my course work and I feel like I can get through everything in time. Perhaps it's because I did submit that piece and I don't feel nearly as anxious about it as I thought I might (which isn't to say that I feel confident, or happy, or anything else about it, just not anxious, not worrying). It might even be that for almost a week now I have been getting to bed before 11pm and having a full nights sleep... heaven forbid.
It doesn't really matter, lol I feel good, I feel happy, I feel calm and satisfied and it is nice. Really nice.
I think I might do some writing over the weekend, after I have this next assignment kicked off to a fine start. I am pretty sure it's even going to be on Dream dark, dream deadly. Or maybe I'll make some notes for the continuation of the 'sci-fi' story I posted on here a little while ago, either way, I feel like I have enough head space to write, like the frantic desperation of the last few weeks has dissipated some and I can think and breathe and do the things I just really love to do again, without having to stress about the things I know I should be doing.

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