Thursday, September 06, 2007

'cause bears sleeping.

This is the new statement in our house. It's Ivy's, but we are using it now as well, she interjects it randomly in conversation, sometimes followed by 'up the fireplace' I'm not entirely sure where this idea of a bear sleeping in our fireplace came from but it seems like it is here to stay.

The week is going by too fast, there is still a fair amount of stuff to do and I am not really sure if I'm going to get it done. It's kind of weird, I thought I had more time, but the 17th is just around the corner and from there its assignment hell until the 6th of October (actually, make that the 1st, I'll have to have everything in the post by then, or resort to faxing). They go like this: 17th, 28th Sep, 1st, 3rd, 5th Oct. Then the final one is due Oct 19th, then exams 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th and 2th of November. All these dates.....

I've been reading some of the recommended authors for one of the romance lines I was considering writing for. I think I need to find a couple others so that I can discover what kind of variety there is. I've never been a big romance reader, there were an occasional few back in high school that my friend loaned me, but I guess I just never really got into them in the way she did. I'm currently asking myself whether I can write that way, it will be an interesting challenge I think.
My friend and I are each going to write a novel for a line and submit it, I have my idea, it's just a matter of finding the time to write it (next year obviously, though she is doing hers for Nano). I need to read a lot more of that style novels before then to get my head in the right space I think.
Would I feel like having something published in that area was an accomplishment? Or will I only really feel fulfilled if I get something published in one of the areas I love to write the most?
That said though, I haven't done 'romance' before so I may yet enjoy it, and I wouldn't really know what genre to pin myself under most of the time anyways. I've written some urban fantasy, some sci-fi, some horror, some straight fantasy, some contemporary stuff, and I am not sure which I would say I am best suited to. I guess once I have started submitting I'll find out?
On the note of submitting, I am planning to submit something tomorrow, lol it's via email so that makes life easier, but I still have to polish the piece up, it needs some changes and I'm not sure it's going to be exactly where I want it to be when tomorrow rolls around. I guess it will depend on how my homework goes today.

Which I should probably get going and get onto.

1 comment:

Andrew Chilton said...

Good luck with the homework but most especially the submission :-) I have my fingers crossed.