Monday, September 17, 2007


This morning started out terribly, I was a total blithering mess for the greater part of it.
I think (think) I have mostly managed to pull myself out of it, and lets hope that it lasts! As I have said several times today - there is just too much to do to fall apart right now.
I know that what I could really do with is writing, creatively, for even a little while. But I am not sure I can force myself to stop cleaning/doing homework for long enough to write. Maybe later tonight, when the little one is asleep and the house is quiet and tidy.
I always feel like I am putting writing off lately, and I have to keep telling myself that no, it's not really putting it off, it's just that there are other things that need my focus first and foremost. I just hope that's the truth, I really do, and that once all this study mess is over writing can once again dominate my spare time.
I'm pretty sure it's the case, but I guess that is a natural fear to have. It was kind of like my fear after Nano - that I only had one 'novel' in me, that I might not be able to do it again and I was so happy that I proved myself wrong on that one with SoCNoC, and I am sure I will prove it again with NaNo'07.
Anyways, I better go and finish mowing the lawn before it rains.
And the day started out so sunny.

1 comment:

Kerryn Angell said...

No Excuses. Just Write.

Keep it that simple. Don't feel guilty when you make the decision to spend time with family, study and do housework. You are choosing those responsibilities over writing and that's ok.