Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Waiting waiting waiting to be able to sign up for this years event.
At least I know that by the time we get back from dinner at Mum's place I'll be able to do it, yay!
I just finished my first read through of me piece from SoCNoC. Wow, so exciting, so many possibilities and opportunities, so much to write.... and I just can't wait to find out what will happen! Roll on November I say.
I have to keep in mind that my final exams are at the start of the month as well though. Which I know is going to be exceedingly hard. The first four are out of the way during the first week of November which is something at least, I am sure I can get some writing in between the 6th and the 12th, I managed it during SoCNoC and I managed it during last years Nano as well.
No homework done today, but I feel that it was well spent reading through this part of the novel and reaquainting myself with these characters, reminding myself of the changes that need to be made. It's going to be really interesting editing it, though I have said that will have to wait until after last years nano has gone through the wringer...
Hopefully having more time next year for my writing will mean I can develop a solid system of dividing my time between writing and editing, or I'm going to end up with 12 unedited novels for every novel thats been given a proper inspection/edit/rewrite.
Does any one know of any guidelines for this kind of thing online? Resources that suggest how long should be spent on the editing process compared to the first writing?
I know everyone works at different speeds, and has strengths which lie in different areas but some general thoughts would be good. I might have to go hunting in a few days time, after this next assignment is finished.

1 comment:

Kerryn Angell said...

He he, welcome to my problem. I tried to tackle that this year but my problem is that usually the novels I write for SoCNoC and NaNoWrimo always run longer than 50,000 words which means longer than one month. I managed 50 hours of editing in March with NaNoEdMo but not a lot more. I think this is partly because I couldn't see what I wanted the end result to look like. Now I have a much better idea of the end result so next year my focus will be on editing outside of short stories, SoCNoC and NaNoWriMo. I want to submit a novel next year.