Sunday, March 23, 2008

THE most fun ever

I had that today, the most fun. It was awesome and while I am totally exhausted right this minute I am still buzzing, hours after the last photo was taken.
A couple friends and I 'trashed' my wedding dress. Decked out as though it was my wedding day we took a trip to the beach where I climbed atop a tunnel, crawled through grass, stood beneath a dying tree, climbed a cliff, sat on a throne carved into the stone, went through a cave and went swimming in a river and the ocean itself. I'll post some of the pics as soon as I get them! Very keen to see how they turned out. We had an absolute blast and the level of attention we got was on some levels astonishing! lol I guess it's not every day you see a 'bride' fooling around at the beach. So many people took photos of me, lots of people asked whether I was getting married that day (well, prior to me stepping into the waves.....) plenty of them came down from the cliffs above to get a closer look at what was going on, and many walked past with strange looks on their faces like they wanted to say/ask something but just couldn't get the words out - hilarious. lol I was laughing the whole afternoon, I can't think of a better way to spend a sunday avo than out and about taking bunches of interesting photos! Am really looking forward to seeing how they turn out.

And on another front, my brother just called to say that he got a new job! They are going sharemilking and we're going to rent their house! Freedom from the evil nasty steep driveway, I was having nightmares about being here late in the pregnancy and not being able to get out to a hospital or something, it's not the most child friendly of houses, nor the most pregnancy friendly either, so it will be great to be somewhere thats easier to get in and out of - not entirely sure what Dad will think but thats ok! (seeing as we rent from dad) we'll have to work really hard to get the place looking super tidy and wonderful for the next lot of people who rent here, two months is lots of notice.

What a great day!


Kerryn Angell said...

That's so exciting! See, everything falls into place. I can't wait to see some pics of you 'trashing' your dress. :)

J.C. Hart said...

Me either! Tamara text me just before and she thinks there will be some prints available tomorrow woooo!!!
Funny how things do just fall into place, life is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Oh! I can't wait to see the pictures! I looked at the website when you first mentioned wanting to do it and I thought it was an amazing idea.

I still have my wedding dress and thought about doing something like that but I would have to do some serious research to figure out where to go.