Sunday, March 09, 2008

Sunday. 9th

Wow, I have blown 8 days of the month already, thats pretty scary!

The happy news: I'm feeling more motivated than I have in a long time. I think, thanks to some alternate opinions on whats going on with me and getting back into some exercise. I feel more together at the very least, and that helps. And I am loving adding some words to my WIP!! I really do adore the story, unfortunately I thought up some massive time killers that could be 'useful' for it... but they are time wasters.... so I am going to try and avoid, even though it would be pretty fun lol.

The not so happy news: the laptop is now lasting only like 20minutes sans powercord. That is not long!!! I took it to bed last night, thinking yeah no worries, I can get to 7k easily before it dies.... well, no such luck, in fact I don't think I even got to 6500... It is pretty tragic, unfortunately there is nothing which can be done about this. I have to wait and hopefully something will come up - Simon says that I don't really need a laptop, but then, on the other hand, there are ones out there that are BETTER than my computer - maybe what I really need is to get one of those and forget about the upgrades? I know having two computers is pretty wasteful (two just for me that is) but I have found it really helpful to only write on the other one, and to game/waste time on this one. When it comes down to it, I find it impossible to get focused on writing when I am sitting right next to Simon and hes gaming... and both of the PC's are on the same desk, we're side-by-side gamers (very cute), but not very helpful for the writing thing. I like sitting next to him when we play games, I don't want that to change. But I really do need to be able to escape his lovely presence in order to focus on the writing side of things. Ah well, something will come up! lol
Even if I do sell a novel this year (which, in all honesty who knows if it will happen), I am gonna have to put the money into savings - I had promised myself a new laptop, but I think it's more important that we have savings. Savings = getting into a new house. Though, whether we'll ever be able to do that with the one income is yet another story and I am too scared to actually look at the details! lol.
Ok, better get some work done before little one needs me again. I'd love to finish the 10K writing challenge today, so thats what I am going to push forward with, and then tomorrow get stuck into the editing once and for all.


Kerryn Angell said...

You will absolutely submit a novel this year!!

If 50 hours isn't achievable in the month for you, take it down to 40 hours and go for it!

Marie said...

If it's any help, you can usually get desktop materials online for a lot cheaper than just buying them from the shop. Of course, you need to know how to put it together once you have the stuff, which can be a problem ...

Fantastic that you're getting writing done. Keep up with it! Don't join me in the rut!

J.C. Hart said...

Come sign up for some challenges on kiwiwriters Marie, we'll get you out of the rut ;-)
Thankfully wonderful husband has all the computer knowledge necessary for upgrades and such, its just financing and time that are the issues - i mean, I have a new case which has been sitting around for at least 6 months waiting for him to rebuild my computer into it... hehe

Marie said...

I will! I'll hop on over tomorrow sometime and see what's going on. :)