Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Hello April

Did you know that my mothers given name was April? She's not been known by this for years, I hadn't even thought about that until now. It's her birthday today, I should really give her a call later.

So the scan went well! Baby is all good, 1.7cms long, right where it should be, with a nice strong heart beat.
It has a beating heart, I could see it. I can't even begin to put into words how that felt, such a profound surreal thing.
So it's all good on that front.

I haven't started writing my script yet. I fully intend to! I will! But maybe not today. Every time I lie down I think about all the things I want to write. Every time I get out of bed, I feel tired and exhausted and want to go back to bed lol, vicious annoying cycle that is.
I scribbled down a beginning for a new story - not entirely sure whether it will be novella or novel length. I had been lying in bed thinking about what made the novella I wrote in January so much fun and had this new idea, which kind of stemmed from the last novella, but isn't the same. I could make it a sequel, hell I might even at this point I'm not sure. Will need some more thinking about it, but at least I am excited about something right. Something to do with writing.

The whole editing thing got me down, I know that. I wasn't having fun, I killed my buzz. I'll confess that it was hard work, not initially but once I realized everything that needed to be done it seemed like hard work and I had no energy. I mean I still have very little energy but I am beginning to feel a little more alive. I know it wasn't just about the novel, it was early pregnancy, lol at least I have that. The first pass at editing was actually fun, and relatively easy, it was the more in depth stuff that I just didn't have the focus for - I am pretty sure that after April, either in May or June I will get back into it and get it done, I want that thing out in the world looking for a home well before the end of the year.

So this is me. Back with a little more focus, a little more hope, a little more energy and some drive.


Kerryn Angell said...

Great to have you back! Even going through something like you did in March you learn more yourself and about how you write/edit. Good on ya for charging on.

Anonymous said...

I so empathize with you... :)