Wednesday, August 29, 2007

contact course

Well, it went well, even though I am still not feeling 100%, it was an awesome time to build on the friendships I have with Sarah and Sarah as well, I feel like I know a lot more about both of them now and it's really nice to know that I can enjoy their company not just for a couple hours but for a couple days without getting annoyed at them or anything! lol with having nothing but a good time with the two of them. I feel like that is a pretty cool thing. There are some people who I can't just spend solid time with and still feel great about them, some people are just small dose people and it's really nice to know that the Sarah's don't fit into that category (not that I thought they did, but you just never know).
So now I am home, and I am still kind of tired. And there is still a lot of work to catch up on, but some exciting things have happened.
Simon got a new job. Which is pretty cool, and will mean that for the most part he has weekends off, which I think is going to take some adjusting too but its pretty exciting in general. Our whole routine is going to change! lol I wonder if he'll get paid on a weekly basis or every fortnight?
Very exciting anyways.
I talked a lot about writing on the journey home, it was nice. Sarah paints, and I write and we were talking about creative processes and such, it was pretty cool, she wants to read my first nano, so I am going to print it off and take it around to our next study group, will be interesting to see what she says about it! lol more feedback, I guess feedback is always good and I think it will be the first novel I edit when I get into that next year so maybe it will help put me in the right frame of mind and give me even more ideas for what I am going to do with it.
It's so exciting, thinking about writing stuff, I just wish that I could do it all now instead of waiting until after I have finished my degree. But if I want to pass, I have to wait.

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