Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Ivy and I

Lol we had a fun morning today, playing around with the new camera and being dorks. She absolutely loves to have her photo taken, which is pretty cool, lol but after every one I take she wants me to stop and show her how it turned out! Can be pretty time consuming. I think fairly soon I am going to have to get some new photo paper because she wants a massive album of her doing everything, how can I blame her, she's just totally cute! lol the other day I even had to take a photo of her on the toilet... well, it's a pretty cool thing for her to be doing so I can understand.

I spent pretty much the whole of yesterday in bed reading the last Harry Potter book. I think I'm a bit disappointed, I'm at the very least sadly reminded that it is after all a children's book, and not one written for adults. They glossed over the death too much, I didn't feel emotional about any of it, and I think it was all wrapped up too neatly, for my liking anyways. I guess it has to be nice, because of the audience, but bleh lol. Is the 19 years later bit written for adults or children? do the younger readers really care that everyone grew up and got married and had kids of their own? Or was it just to state that this was the end of the line for good old Harry - though whose to say that the collective children of the characters of the HP books won't get together and get up to some mischief in the future?
None of it really matters. If she writes more, good for her, if she doesn't, then also good for her. I certainly hope that she has more in her than that though, it would be kind of sad I think if all I had in me was one series based around the same characters and not much outside of that scope(although obviously it was a highly successful series and much loved by many people around the globe). So I'd like to think that she has an abundance of stories to tell and that all the people who love HP won't neglect anything further she writes or judge her on that basis. I guess that would be a scary thing about being a published writer who does so very well with one thing - will they like something else? Will they ever be able to do something as good as what they have already achieved?
Not things that I have to worry about yet, or probably ever.

Gah, I should so be writing my assignment, but I am playing around with photos instead... haha. Ok. Off to get into assignments and other study related stuff!

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