Monday, August 20, 2007


It's really going by pretty fast at the moment. Every time I finish something, there is another thing just waiting to be done. I have been feeling pretty worn down and like I really needed a break, some time out, from everything - but that's just not possible.
On a bright note I am actually going to get to go to the contact course in Palmy next week for my Abnormal and Therapeutic Psychology paper which is pretty cool. It will be fun being away with the girls, no kids, no family to think about. Long couple days but I am sure it will be well worth it.
On Monday night we'll be celebrating one of the Sarah's birthdays and mine and Simon's two year anniversary, so it should be fun! I think it's something I need. Plus it could be the last time I am in Palmy/at Massey for a really long time!

On other notes, I have absolutely no idea what I am doing with my life. I keep flipping back and forward on what I want to do, but I think I've settled on making no plans at all and waiting until the right thing presents itself. Sometimes all you need to do is just stop. Stop trying to figure it out, stop trying to make plans and decide which path will be the one best suited to you and just let life happen - something always comes up when it's the right time, and I should just make sure I am open enough to notice it when it happens.
A friend rang me last night and we talked writing. I think she's going to do Nano with me this year, it will be her first time! She has a basic plan which she is going to work more on over the next couple months and I think she is really excited about the prospect of actually writing a novel. I think Nano is great for first timers, with a little pressure on you and the support of so many other people who are doing it you almost can't go wrong if you want it bad enough. Sure life can throw some things up at you to get in the way, but if your determined, then you can totally win through.
I don't think she's done a lot of writing before, but she is sounding pretty amped about this. It's a romance, which she knows tonnes about and shes considering writing it so that it fits the requirements for a mills and boon line. Which is cool, she showed me a new one, which I could totally see myself writing for, lol so that will be fun when I get around to having the time to write it.
I still have to write the second half of the novel from SoCNoC, and I need to edit last years nano at some point as well, there are a few things on the go at the moment writing wise and i keep wanting to give them all my attention but i just can't. Study still has to come first, and after exams my writing can be my secondary focus (secondary to my little one).

1 comment:

Andrew Chilton said...

I'm the same as you at the moment. There are a number of things vying for my attention. I wrote a blog post about it on Saturday - I'm basically going to cut out the non-essential things and just going to concentrate on what I deem to be more important for me at the moment.

So yeah, take a step back, take a deep breath and figure out what's important and what's not. Concentrate on the former :-)