Sunday, August 26, 2007


I didn't get a lot done! Been feeling like total crap lately, caught a very yucky sickness off my lovely fiance. It's ok though, I'm not holding it against him. Part of me thinks that the Gods of Students are punishing me for taking a day off and reading Harry Potter (Tuesday). I must have broken one of the ten commandments, one that goes something like: 'Thou shalt not ignore your studies for an entire day without guilt.' Well consider me punished.
Today, thankfully, my head is a little clearer, my voice is almost back to normal and I can think again, for the most part in logical blocks, Yay. This means that I have no excuse not to start writing my essay today, well actually I am sure I can come up with several but I shall ignore the state of the house, the piles of dishes on the bench and the loads of washing that really need doing and start this essay.
I guess one could say that even now I am procrastinating. I guess I am, I can live with that. I basically know what I am going to write but I don't know how to start it. This is one of the papers that doesn't have a webct page, which means that I can't see what questions other people are asking about how to do the assignment and learn from the responses that they get. I'm writing blind, writing assignments blind is not really that fun at all. Nevertheless, it's due on Friday, it needs to be in the post on Wednesday and I am away in Palmerston North on Monday/Tuesday. Which means that I really need to have the bulk of it done today so that I can tidy it up tomorrow night in Palmy and then have it in the post. Or maybe I could drop it in while I am down there lol.
I have another essay due in a week and a half, the gods only know how I am going to manage to get that one finished as well.
All this means that the chances of me finishing the story I wanted to finish during 'finishing month' have pretty much gone out the window. That makes me sad, and disappointed in myself. I really did want to finish it, I am just not managing my time very well lately it seems. Mind you there was the concussion, and the sickness... there are some valid reasons why I've not been my usual productive self. All the excuses/reasons in the world don't really change that the story is not finished, though I did manage to write a few hundred words on it! lol Which I guess is more work than it's had than in the last year and a half or so that it's been sitting around. One day Jeremy your story full will be told, one day.

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